Scratch what I said yesterday (Updates)
Things have gotten considerably worse, starting last night when I realized the mountain of crap that I must overcome tonight. This is what's on my shitty list for the evening:
- Eng 201: Prepare some type of lesson plan for Emily Dickinson and Theodore Roethke. Due Tuesday.
- Eng 201: Prepare an assignment which involves the students determining whether or not their favorite song is/is not poetry. Due Tuesday.
- Eng 676: Prepare a presentation for a review of a composition book. And maybe write a paper? Due Tuesday.
- Eng 526: Read secondary material for Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Due Tuesday.
- Eng 526: Write a 4-5 page journal over the play and the secondary reading material. Due Tuesday.
- Eat dinner at some point in the evening. It seems that inserting food in my mouth has become a tiresome activity, neither exciting nor intriguing.
- Eng 521: Research paper proposal for Am. Lit.--probably something over Gertrude Stein and the short story cycle. Due Thursday.
- Eng 521: Prepare annotated bibliography on Edith Wharton (vomit!!) for next week (Since this is due later on, it seems rather presumptuous for me to even pretend that I'll work on this anytime this month).
Well, it's just past ten o'clock and I've made some limited progress. I've gotten the majority of the book review finished and have written most of my letter of recommendation for one of the faculty. My Shakespeare is still not done, but I really shouldn't bitch about that. It turns out that I didn't get all of the reading. I'm sure it was an honest mistake by my friend and not some subconscious way of "sticking it to the man," though I still contend that she enjoys inconveniencing me from time to time. Either way it was very kind of her to make the copies for me. There E --- I do say nice things about you.
On another note, a colleague of mine in the WC had a very amusing comment today at work. I was discussing college basketball with The Goose, and she made the statement that I was "a man." At first I was a bit confused, thinking that somehow my sexual identity had somehow been misinterpreted for these last nine months. I immediately began thinking up ways to further illustrate my manhood--I thought wearing low-cut V-neck shirts to show off my hairy chest might do the trick. Or maybe wearing tight sleeveless shirts to show off the powerful biceps. Anyway, I digress . . .
What I believe she was referring to was my interest in stereotypical male entertainment, namely sports and all that implies. Apparently, I have become no more to her than the typical testosterone driven male. And all this time I considered myself to be sweet and sensitive. Perhaps she may login sometime (she does read occasionally) and clarify this issue. I just hate being pigeonholed, though I believe she meant the comment to be a compliment? A-train, what was your take?
I'm not sure, but I'd love to have it.
Will do. Thanks a ton.
I find it somewhat amusing that I've actually called you Bethany in the WC before and you've answered to it. And now it's developing an identity of its own online.
And yes, most men like being recognized as such, so I did take it as a compliment. And yes, "endearing" may be my new favorite adjective for myself. Thanks for the ego-boost.
You did mention change today, but how? why? in what ways?
My curiousity is piqued.
Actually most everyone has already finished it, except for us and more than likely The Goose. He's my inspiration for living.
I think most of us will be up late Wednesday night, though. Thanks, 521.
Thanks for the attempt to insult what happened to be an honest mistake by veiling it under the guise of a backhanded, nice thing to say.
I'm going to keep track from now on of these "kick me in the gut" kind of compliments, though I doubt that more will be forthcoming.
It's 1:00 and I'm just now starting on stuff for 515. That's awesome.
It wasn't a backhanded anything. I was actually being sincere. I appreciate your help, as always.
By the way, congrats for being on the ball tonight. I've got about a paragraph left on the Shakespeare journal, though my typing has become pretty piss-poor. I must be tired, since I've only had two beers. I've still got to work up something for 201 tomorrow, so it doesn't look good.
At least 201 isn't until 11:00, right? You'll have most of the morning to throw something together.
I finished the Shakespeare journal a little while ago, though I've yet to do any of the reading for tomorrow night.
Instead, I'm crafting a respone paper for the kinds of rhetorical trickery used in religion, advertising and other media. It's actually pretty interesting.
Hey what ever happened to things were better than ever?
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