Sunday, March 12, 2006

I was glad to get up this morning

Is it because I feel awesome after drinking all day? Is it because I'm excited about doing a bit of Shakespeare? Is it because I really want to finish cleaning my garage?

No, it isn't any of these things.

I wanted to get up because I was having the weirdest, most trippy dreams ever last night. I don't know if it was the large quantity of alcohol I consumed or something else, but I dreamed some shit that I would love to post, just because it would make everybody laugh and freak out, but it could possibly hurt my future. Anyway, I'll tell the parts I can remember.

Okay so I'm kinda like at a class (the Goose was there with me and a few other no-name students), but it was outside for some reason, and I'm listening to this fill-in teacher trying to give us this asswhip of an assignment. And I'm trying to pay attention, but something keeps bothering me. Suddenly, I turn around and there is this prof (not in our dept.) friggin lurching on me. And she's getting all handsy and stuff. And it's completely weirding me out. But what do you say, ya know? I guess I was afraid of failing the class or making a bad grade or whatever. So I just play along. So she's always like trying to kiss me and shit, and she never cares who else is around and it is really making me nervous. --In my dream, I don't remember being married or unmarried, so maybe I was single??--Anyway, it turns out that she winds up being a real fucking drag, always hanging around, and I'm always pretending to like her, even though I don't. It was like being held hostage in a bad relationship. Later on I escaped to some really big, old houses (which in reality don't exist) on campus and wound up hiding from her while I was
trying to finish my homework.

It was very fucking random.

So after the last post yesterday, I called up my brother and his wife, then my buddy and his wife, then my brother-in-law, then Daniel and Elise, then Andi. Surprisingly, everyone showed but the A-train. It was pretty dull, hardly the wild and raucous gatherings at Little E's or Cynthia's, but what could you really expect? I've got two kids. Plus, except for my brother-in-law, everyone was married, and married people are not exactly the party crowd. Instead of loud music and dancing, it was more like sitting around and drinking. But what do you do? We were able to see my brother-in-law instantly change from quietly sober to alarmingly unstable (which is rather common). We were able to put about 60 pounds of cigarette ash on my garage floor. We were able to (for the most part), avoid lengthy discussions concerning religion, divorce, and postcolonialism. We all agreed that families are an asswhip. All in all, it was a decent Saturday night. Not great, but sometimes you take what you can get.


At Sun Mar 12, 10:23:00 PM, Blogger Andi said...

You called me? When? Huh?

At Sun Mar 12, 10:28:00 PM, Blogger Andi said...

Crap. Checked my phone and there was your message. Must remember to leave it on at night. I would've been ALL over a get-together last night.

At Sun Mar 12, 11:01:00 PM, Blogger elise said...

Hmmm...that is a pretty random dream. Damn lurchers. But I guess you at least got to experience the feeling of being a victim of circumstance vicariously, right?

At Mon Mar 13, 12:28:00 AM, Blogger Jeremy said...

You didn't really miss out on all that much. Unless of course you were sitting at home bored out of your mind.

I'm not a big sympathizer with the victim of circumstance. Generally, people get exactly what they deserve.


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