Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A good/bad kind of day

Today has been mediocre at best. I've had the bad mixed in fairly equally with the good--there's been enough intertwining between the two that I seem to have at least broken even. Not exactly the kind of day that one will probably remember years down the road, unless something horrific happens later today. Let's hope that doesn't happen though.
I intended another postmodern entry, but I find that I don't quite have the energy or mental faculties to pull that off right now. I'll be leaving shortly to go suffer through a dull soccer practice (I used to participate a lot more, but lately I don't really seem to give a shit). Upon my return home, I will resume my reading of the third book in John Dos Passos' USA trilogy The Big Money. It's a book probably worth reading, or at least that's what I'm telling myself anyway. After turning in my annbib late last week, I feel somewhat obligated to read the book in order to help facilitate discussion. I've learned that many of my fellow classmates generally don't read as they should; unfortunately, I don't believe this book is available on Sparknotes. Sorry, guys. So that'll basically leave everyone staring around awkwardly at one another until the prof gets pissed and starts hurling sharp objects in our direction. So hopefully I can make it through the last 350 pages, but I can't make any promises.

On a side note, Spidey missed class on Tuesday. I can only assume he was busy getting his webslinger adjusted. Or perhaps Gotham was in trouble. Either way, I hope he makes it back to class on Thursday. I just feel a lot safer in there knowing that I've got a bonafide crime-fighter in the area. God bless you, Peter Parker!!

I've also officially labeled myself a genius. Based on recent goings-on within our department concerning our "search" for a department head, it appears that my theory of a mass conspiracy is showing to be more and more likely. For those unaware of my theory, here goes:
Our dept. has needed a new head for a while now. The person filling in as interim head is leaving at the end of the semester. A new interim will take over in the fall, unless a good candidate can be located. During the previous fall, the department tried to give the position to a member of the litlang faculty, but his appointment was denied by the dean. My theory is that in response to the move by the dean, the faculty is bringing in rather poor candidates (they only interviewed one in person) to provide a mock sense of searching. Needless to say, the candidate who visited was unanimously denied by the faculty. That means that the person they originally tried to push through will likely become the interim head. And in six months to a year, they will try to push him back through again--only this time, he'll have the leverage of being able to say that he's been running the dept. for a year. Therefore, the whole "search" process has been little more than a carefully orchestrated charade. English people are not only pretty smart, but we are also pretty fucking conniving as well.

Time for soccer . . .


At Wed Apr 19, 06:01:00 PM, Blogger elise said...

I was anticipating that you would inevitably pat yourself on the back for your theory regarding the department head search. Nice job, as it seems as though your theory is right on the money.

Perhaps your academically political inclinations/intuition deserves a fucking cookie. I may bring you one for lunch next week.

Or I could make you a t-shirt that says 'genius' on the front, with a gargantuan picture of you and the internal candidate on the back. I know he's your favorite person.

At Wed Apr 19, 08:00:00 PM, Blogger Jeremy said...

Generally, I don't stroke my own ego unless I feel that others around me have failed to give due credit.

With that in mind, I'll be expecting you to keep your promise concerning lunch next week.

Hmmm . . . have you ever noticed how obsessed our group is with the idea of T-shirts? From "ENGLISH?" to MLA format to "I've heard of that book but never read it" to Pictures of spouses--that's a lot of thought going toward T-shirts. Maybe the Jesi are trying to tell us something?

At Thu Apr 20, 10:58:00 AM, Blogger Super T said...

DDO verified your "theory" some what last night. She said they were not "100% positive" about attempting to force Bolin through because they think Klein won't go for it. However, their hope is to at least conduct a better search next year by opening the search parameters and going to MLA.


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